Plan. Paint. Play

Art in the Paint collaborates with service providers and artists to beautify the community. Programming created around the new and improved courts will give opportunities to kids who can't afford to go to members only community centres.


In communities today, many parks have become dilapidated and overgrown leading them to be eyesores and not community building grounds.
Basketball courts are cracked and broken down making them dangerous, unappealing and uneven and unaffordable for neighborhood play.
Communities are often in the middle of food deserts and have little to no access to healthy foods, physical exercise classes/groups, and uplifting messages.
Organizations that have supplies and resources to provide to communities are located further from the community and have no direct access to areas in which members can come.


Founded to Inspire Positive Emotions

Art In The Paint started conceptually on Stone Mountain. We saw people protesting the confederate generals who were memorialized on the side of the mountain. The negative emotions we saw evoked through art scared us and we made it a personal challenge to find a solution to bring positive art into communities that needed it

Mural in Basketball Court


Art in the Paint will create a community centre without walls to foster a sense of community and provide an access point where available services and community members collide.


Renovate and revitilise the court.


Install a social justice mural, constructed by a local artist that truly speaks to the community and its purpose.


Partner with other local organisations and businesses to create programming and bring resources to the community directly.

Together We Embark On The Process

1. We begin by identifying potential areas and setting a budget. Contact us if you would like us to explore your community.

2. We find parts to raise the necessary capital and funding. We resurface the court to fill in any uneven asphalt and cracks. Most importantly, we work with a local artist to design the artwork.

3. We partner with volunteer youth and community leaders to install the art. Once the artwork is ready, we hold a ribbon-cutting event for the whole community.